ANNOUNCING: Train To Be A Traffic TOP GUN...

In The Last 30 Days We Made



The ONLY System That Floods Any Business With

Serious Traffic, Quality Leads & Effortless Sales in Just 24 Hours...

The ONLY System That Floods Any Business With Serious Traffic, Quality Leads & Effortless Sales in Just 24 Hours...

Note: Special launch pricing mentioned in this video has expired.

This New Powerful PPC Google Ads System Gets Local Clients To Obscene Success Practically Overnight...

Note: If you have an existing account, please use the same email address when checking out so the course will be automatically added to your current member area.

You'll naturally be an early skeptic, as we were, until we started getting ROI On Ad Spend of 200% - 300% and more, AND signing $1,000, $1,500 and $2,500 monthly clients.

And why will they pay us that? 

Because local clients are interested in one thing you can provide in abundance:


More than ever, after Covid and lockdowns and roaring inflation, local clients skepticism is miles high...

The methods that worked well 24 months ago, are FAILING EVERYDAY... In fact, like the song says, they're like taking a 'Highway To The Danger Zone'.

Market Conditions Have Changed! This is an Entirely NEW MARKET... And We Have Cracked the Code!

Here's What Our Insider
Sources Revealed To Us...

Google is determined to own ALL the online advertising space - no matter what they have to do.

They've accelerated their 'rigging' of their search platform so local businesses are literally being FORCED to turn to the Google Ads platform... OR be invisible online!

The prime search real estate (the top listings) have been taken over by Google Ads listings - and Google LOVES IT!

Google's continual updates in search cause well-ranked local businesses to plummet overnight. Many say the rankings make no sense today... and we agree!

Google's emphasis on "authority sites" and exceedingly tough quality scores and "time on site" metrics and only quality backlinks all work against small businesses.

Local businesses are drowning in Google's design, security, technical and so-called quality guidelines!

Google's secret algorithms are the real decider if your site gets ranked at all... and that's subject to change every few months... so your clients have ZERO stability when it comes to online traffic.

The plain fact of the matter is...


Yes, that's what it's come down to in 2024 and for the foreseeable future. 

If you or your clients aren't on Google in a prominent way, you are completely INVISIBLE to 70% or more of your best audience. 

Today's customers EXPECT your client's business to be highly visible on Google searches OR they question their credibility, popularity and longevity!

No, it's not fair, but local businesses need to play the hand they're dealt.

How Can Small Businesses
Keep Up With All This—Seriously?

Just look at this list of requirements directly from Google that a site needs, to have any hope of being ranked:

  • Make your site interesting and useful.
  • ​Know what your readers want (and give it to them)
  • ​Act in a way that cultivates user trust.
  • ​Make expertise and authoritativeness clear.
  • ​Provide an appropriate amount of content for your subject.
  • ​Avoid distracting advertisements.
  • ​Use links wisely.

Do you notice anything about all those items?

They're all VERY VAGUE and mostly a matter of opinion! ...and here's the kicker - try doing all that and...

Watch Your Site STILL
Wind Up On Page 99!

This is exactly the kind of advice that drives business owners absolutely 'batty' and keeps them ranked NOWHERE in the search results...(no matter what they do!)...

Especially when they pay supposed SEO experts to get them results. It's really a cruel joke, isn't it?

And in case it wasn't obvious, this 'Google Squeeze' on small business is only going to get worse. Even though they routinely say they want to HELP small local businesses... That's BS.

Their Goal Is To Make These
Businesses INVISIBLE Online

So what are local agencies and local businesses to do?

Instead of trying to beat Google by winning in SEO search (a nearly impossible task today) why not join them instead!

Google Ads does what local businesses owners want Better than ANYTHING Else. They Get...

  • FAST Results! Often in as little as a Day or Two.
  • The average conversion rate can exceed 4.4%
  • ​Google owns 70% of the market share
  • ​90% of all internet users see display ads
  • ​The average return on Google Ads is 200%!
  • ​Highly Targeted. The business's ad only shows to people most likely to be looking for what you offer.
  • Once dialed in you might spend an hour a month managing it all.​
  • ​Reaches Mobile Searchers Best! 3 out of 4 nearby searchers visit a store within a day - 28% of those searches result in a sale.

Plus You Get:

  • Ability To Test & Experiment Easily
  • ​Flexible Ad Budgets -start small
  • ​High ROI Potential
  • ​Geographically Diverse Reach
  • ​Helps Retains clients for a long time

Perhaps the Biggest, Most Important Reason to use Google Ads is about...


OK, let me explain...

The biggest difference between the people you’re reaching with Google Ads and the people you’re reaching with other forms of advertising... IS THEIR INTENT.

On social media like Facebook, for example, people aren’t looking to be advertised to. They’re not looking for solutions to the issues that plague their everyday lives. They're not in the mood to BUY things.

They’re looking for baby pictures and vacation photos and family updates. And when you advertise to someone who doesn’t want to be advertised to, there’s a very good chance you get tuned out.

With Google Ads, though, you’re not advertising to people who don’t want to be advertised to. You’re advertising to people who are looking for something specific, a top flight Italian restaurant or a close by auto repair shop for BMWs and...

These People Are 

That's the traffic you and your clients want...

Every expert we've ever talked to has said in terms of QUALITY TRAFFIC, nothing beats Google Ads!

Isn't Google Ads A Risky Proposition?

Some say, "Don't lots of businesses lose money?"

That's probably true, but there's an important reason why:

They Don't Have A Clue
What They're Doing!

Through personal experience, I can attest I've met scads of local business owners who invested in zero training and just jumped into Google PPC ads.

OR they put it all in Google's hands and didn't understand that their interests and Google's interests were NOT aligned at all.

I'll say up front if you intend using Google Ads for your own agency and don't plan to get properly trained, then FORGET IT!... there's just too many potholes going down that road.

But, if you're not going into the jungle of PPC and Google Ads by yourself and you're going to want Shark Training to keep you safe (and profitable) need to see what we've discovered for our members!

And just in case you're new to us and our Sharks Organization and Remote Millionaires, introductions are in order:

Since we've learned how to stack recurring PPC clients (like you'll learn below), we've afforded ourselves WAY more flexibility and free time...

I'm Tom Gaddis along with my business partner Nick Ponte...

You may recognize Nick and I as the guys behind the fastest growing offline training site for local marketing agencies... And you probably know our business is based in beautiful Maui, Hawaii... Though lately I reside in exciting Las Vegas and Nick in New York City...

I guess it goes to show in today's world you can run a multi-million dollar business from anywhere and relocate almost at will!

But wherever we hang our hat, we continue to provide marketing services to local businesses. AND, we get to work from home, spend as much time with family as we want and the work is VERY rewarding.

In fact, as much as we enjoy getting $10,000 checks from clients, we get equal satisfaction from Offline Shark members who keep rackiing up big wins and telling us about.

So, we decided to act on the news of a tougher and tougher environment with Google Search and pivot to Google Ads... BUT we knew we needed help.

After an extensive search, we were introduced by a close associate to a man who was highly regarded in this field - a TRUE Google Ads expert, Brandon Spears, CEO of Click Titan and Double X Digital.

Brandon has served as a coach and high-paid consultant to over 500 marketing agencies & businesses. He has worked with some of the biggest names in marketing and has developed profitable marketing strategies and campaigns across many industries.

Today Brandon spends his time working with high level consultants and big brands but also takes every opportunity possible to teach and educate others in online advertising.
I'll add Brandon isn't just an acknowledged Google Ads 'Brain' but is gifted as a teacher, for new and experienced marketers. We're proud to bring him and his expertise to you. 

As we like to say, “He Can Be Our Wingman Any Time”...

What Brandon Has Accomplished
Is Nothing Short of Amazing...

Brandon analyzed every aspect of Google Ads with specific attention to Local Business Marketing (NOT giant corporations).

He understood immediately we needed a strategy that would work for Local businesses, new startups and even home-based operations.

He's been testing and fine tuning results to make our campaigns stronger, more consistent and dependable.

Then we further collaborated with him to make it easier to learn and faster.

AND we continue to fine tune and test RIGHT UP TO THIS LAUNCH, so nothing is outdated, nothing is boilerplate. This is all BRAND NEW and presents Google Ads as it is RIGHT NOW, TODAY.

And Will "Take Your Breath Away"

Today Nick and I want to introduce you to a much more effective way of building a local marketing agency in this competitive and volatile marketplace...a way to finally beat the Google Search game by ignoring it in favor of Google Ads...

How To Capitalize On Google
Instead Of Capitulating To It!

When Nick and I saw with our own two eyes how consistent this was, how easy the clients almost fell in our laps, how little time it took to do, and how fast the earnings grew, we knew we couldn't keep it to ourselves...

For many reading this, it can be a "bullet-proof-breakthrough" in how you get new clients, AND especially for those just getting started, this could literally be a lifesaver!

Google Ads For Local Is Different

Just knowing Google Ads is NOT enough. Generic training won't cut it and you'll see the difference. No Udemy course, no bloated corporate training, no YouTube basic videos will give you what you need to make money.

The real power is in knowing what leverage Local gives you with Google Ads and how to take advantage of it.

FINALLY you'll have a way to use Google's own game against them...

Imagine The POWER you'll have when you can literally explode a business's calls and leads overnite!

Imagine the respect you'll get from businesses once they see with their own eyes what you bring to the table. Imagine the bigger, more robust income you'll enjoy month after month from clients who are HAPPY to pay you...

In fact this unique training is so good, so timely, so powerful...

You May Want To Do Nothing But
Google Ads Consulting For Local
From Now On!...
And We Wouldn't Blame You.

Just take A Look At All You're Getting...

Here's a Sneak Peek Inside The Membership Area...


Start Here

  • Welcome (Watch This First!)
  • Meet Your Expert Google Ads Instructor
  • Why Google Ads? The HUGE Opportunity
  • ​The Secrets You're About To Learn...
  • ​Course Overview (Traffic Expert)


Selling Ads With Ease

  • The 37x Growth Mentality
  • Framing the Conversation with Their "One True Metric"
  • The Three Levers
  • ​Numbers To Think About
  • ​Budget Planning


Setting Up The Proper Way

  • Setting Up Your Account & Billing
  • ​Google Dashboard Setup
  • ​Adding / Request Client Access
  • ​Conversion Tracking
  • Funnel Softwares


The Key To Profitable Research

  • Keyword Research/Planner Used Right
  • ​Competitor Research Secrets


Running Campaigns

  • Proper Campaign Setup Our Way
  • ​Going Live Without Worries
  • Search Terms & Negative Keywords
  • ​Optimizing & Scaling With Ease
  • ​Demonstrating The Engine


How To Land Clients This Week

  • Best Clients to Target
  • ​Where to Find Clients
  • ​Warm Outreach
  • ​Alternate Outreach
  • ​Foot-in-the-Door Strategy
  • ​Closing the Sale
  • ​Pricing Your Services
  • ​Client Satisfaction

PLUS! Special Bonus

See A LIVE Account Audit

  • Live Over-the-Shoulder Account Audit
  • Audit Template Included!

We Keep Our Google Ads Clients Month After Month...

Let's Be Clear:

This isn't just some run-of-the-mill product designed to be glanced at and put on a shelf to be used 'someday'.

This is probably the most actionable material for local agencies and consultants you'll ever get your hands on.

I'm going to attempt to list what you'll discover, but i'm really only scratching the surface!..

  • Discover the One TRUE Metric (the ONLY number that matters for selling Google Ads)
  • The '3 Levers' that practically guarantee client retention. Not one in a hundred marketers know these
  • The RIGHT way to Build A Campaign (Google Won't Tell You This, actually almost no one will)
  • ​Live examples of optimizing and scaling- this is the BEST way to learn!
  • ​The 2 proven scaling methods A&B that we use all the time. You will love this!
  • ​Creating a Sales Engine that runs like a well oiled machine. The strategy we employ to make this hands off
  • ​The ONLY Research Tools You Need. Must have!
  • ​Following Up Without Being A Pest - Hard Closers NOT needed
  • How We 'SPY' on Competitors For Research. (its down & Dirty, but it really works.)
  • ​Keyword N*******, The Key to Getting laser targeted traffic and Much Cheaper Clicks
  • How we have one ad headline 'slaughter' another by 400% - shocked us
  • REVEALED: The 3 step S******method that gets great results from Google Ads Every Single Time
  • ​Live example scaling an account from 15k/day to 60k/day using the 3 step S******* method we teach
  • Google Ads Budget Planning Simplified
  • ​The best dashboard setup that works to scale campaigns
  • ​Proper Campaign Structures Learned By Experience

YOU NEED PPC Maverick If You Answer “YES” To Any Of These:

  • You need a system that produces results for clients in 24hrs, not months!
  • You're working hard to find local clients but the fees you’re making just don't justify your effort.
  • You want a method that you can scale up as big as you want quickly.
  • ​You can not devote 24 hours a day to this.
  • ​You still want to enjoy a family life.
  • You’re tired of buying courses that promise to show you something new, but don't deliver.
  • ​You can't spend a fortune on additional tools and expensive outsourcers.

Being An 'Early Bird' Pays Off

When you add your name to our membership you'll be first to receive all the training, tools and support we've promised.

Getting in early gives you some distinct advantages. You'll be ahead of the crowds that are likely to enroll and you'll get a jump on any local competition.

AND We'll Offer You A Significant
Discount When You Join Early

Later purchasers will definitely pay more.

In Fact Most Of Our Earlier Training Products Now Cost 200% or 300% More Than When They Debuted!

  • Don't be forced to pay $297.
  • Don't kick yourself for waiting.
  • Don't be skeptical.
  • Don't think you'll figure it out alone.
  • Don't overthink it.
  • Don't pretend you don't need it.
  • Don't get shut out.
  • Don't waste time.
  • ​C'mon just Try It.

Look, the small fee you'll pay us, won't make a dime's worth of difference in our incomes.

BUT it can (and has) changed the lives of hundreds of members just like YOU.

Take advantage of a Google Ads Strategy NO ONE ELSE Has..and one presented by a major credentialed expert like Brandon Spears on our team..

You're probably recognizing immediately the uniqueness and the huge potential you'll be getting. Join us NOW and see for yourself.

Offer Closes In Just 4 Days...
Acceptance Is Limited

To be honest, we won’t be able to accept everyone into this new program. We're finding we are more effective working with people in smaller groups. We aim to have this feel more like 'coaching' and to have any hope of that happening we MUST limit enrollment.

In fact, the price after these few days will be raised by at least $100. (many of you know that's our practice to do so).

But as long as you’re getting this message and until the offer is closed in the next few days, you should be good to go...but please don't waste time.


While I don’t believe this needs to be guaranteed - after all, the value you will receive from this knowledge far outweighs the low investment you will make now...

You are welcome to take a full 30 days to examine the information. If, during that time you are not entirely convinced that this does not live up to your expectations or deliver what I say it will, simply contact me and tell me why... and I will gladly process a full refund of your investment.

Tom Gaddis & Nick Ponte

P.S. Nick and I brought this message to you at considerable expense. We did it because we genuinely believe this new PPC business model will benefit you greatly.

Yes, we're asking you to trust us, and backing it up with an iron-clad guarantee. This is worth your time, your attention, and your decision to commit today.


While I don’t believe this needs to be guaranteed - after all, the value you will receive from this knowledge far outweighs the low investment you will make now...

You are welcome to take a full 30 days to examine the information. If, during that time you are not entirely convinced that this does not live up to your expectations or deliver what I say it will, simply contact me and tell me why... and I will gladly process a full refund of your investment.

Tom Gaddis & Nick Ponte

P.S. Nick and I brought this message to you at considerable expense. We did it because we genuinely believe this new PPC business model will benefit you greatly.

Yes, we're asking you to trust us, and backing it up with an iron-clad guarantee. This is worth your time, your attention, and your decision to commit today.

Everything Is Delivered In A Professional Members Area

You get instant access to PPC Maverick.

It's all broken down step-by-step so you know EXACTLY what to do.

With this training you'll bypass all the newbie mistakes and wasted dollars. We're giving you a proven system that delivers.

PPC Maverick works because it was made by Offline Consultants FOR Offline Consultants!

Note: If you have an existing account, please use the same email address when checking out so the course will be automatically added to your current member area.

Frequently Asked Questions

  Is this just a re-hash of a previous course?

A: No, it's a brand new course, top to bottom. We have never built a training of this magnitude around an industry recognized authority like Brandon Spears.
This is also the most up-to-date training we have which is necessary in the PPC world.

  Is selling PPC management competitive?

A: It's fair to say almost every niche has competition to some extent. Having said that, PPC management is actually less competitive than many marketing specialties, since the skill sets required to do this well are in short supply.

  Why would a business need my help?

A: Most local businesses are just not equipped to manage their PPC accounts PROFITABLY. You're getting paid to do what business owners cannot do themselves. The mountain of learning clients would have to climb is a daunting one and most realize this rigth away.

In Google Ads management, setting initial bids is easy: managing them is another story. Knowing when to value position and how to maximize Quality Score and ROI, etc is imperative. You're getting paid for your knowledge and expertise.

  Won't Google manage the campaign for the business owner?

A: Yes in some cases, but that question presumes it's in the local business's best interest to have them do so- AND IT'S NOT!

Google simply does not act in a way that favors the business owner, since Google's highest objective is to sell more and more ads - period. Think about it for moment, If Google finds ways to save lots of money for the business owner, that results in less profit for Google!

Google uses automation to perform this "Management".

...The true value of automation is when it’s combined with an expert eye that understands individual business objectives in detail.

For example, automation cannot optimize for high quality leads vs low quality leads. Nor will it distinguish between high margin sales vs low margin. For 95% of local businesses, Google acct management is a poor choice.

  Does this take a lot of time?

A: Each client initially takes about an hour or two to set up. The initial phase includes testing and tweaking keywords, etc. Once the metrics are where you and the client want them to be, its can take as little as 15 minutes a week to manage.

  Will I need a large budget?

A: Not at all. You can do this with no money, just your own time and effort. You'll be paid before you ever have to spend any money, anyway. That way cash flow is not a problem. You can even structure it so the client covers you for any additional software you may need to acquire to handle their account.

  Won't my clients be taking a chance on me?

A: No way! You will have received some of the most up-to-date, targeted PPC training for Google Ads that exists... which means you will know 99% more than your clients, and be prepared to not just structure their account, but have the skills to make it profitable!

  Will I need to hire employees?

A: NO (Unless YOU Want Them) —If you choose to use virtual assistants or outsource that's fine. But it's not necessary. You'll be surprised how many clients accounts you can manage by yourself.

  Can I do this all from my computer? (Or do I need to go door-to-door to sign up clients?)

A: This entire business is totally location independent and can be done entirely by email and phone. No cold calling is necessary.

  How soon can I expect to land some local clients?

A: While we cannot guarantee any specific results, since the law doesn't allow that... If you follow a simple daily plan, of emailing the right candidates, you may see results in as little as a few weeks.

  If it's so good… Why don't you charge more?

A: Good Question!... we actually make most of our earnings from local clients, not from product launches. We do enjoy helping marketers and our 12,600 member Facebook group is more evidence that we give more than we get.

Initial Reviews Are Pouring In—See For Yourself!

Note: If you have an existing account, please use the same email address when checking out so the course will be automatically added to your current member area.
Earnings Disclaimer: We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build your business. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" ideology; we only want serious people who want to work hard to build their business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the links above as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal disclaimers but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by.
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook™, YouTube ™, or Google ™ in any way.
Copyright © 2022-2024 Offline Sharks LLC. 
All Rights Reserved.