I'm Tom Gaddis along with my business partner Nick Ponte...
You may recognize Nick and I as the guys behind the fastest growing offline training site for local marketing agencies... And you probably know our business is based in beautiful Maui, Hawaii... Though lately I reside in exciting Las Vegas and Nick in New York City...
I guess it goes to show in today's world you can run a multi-million dollar business from anywhere and relocate almost at will!
But wherever we hang our hat, we continue to provide marketing services to local businesses. AND, we get to work from home, spend as much time with family as we want and the work is VERY rewarding.
In fact, as much as we enjoy getting $10,000 checks from clients, we get equal satisfaction from Offline Shark members who keep rackiing up big wins and telling us about.
So, we decided to act on the news of a tougher and tougher environment with Google Search and pivot to Google Ads... BUT we knew we needed help.